ビッグレッドファームはI'll Have Anotherを1000万ドルで購入したそうだ(馬主がばらす)

競馬評論家Steve Haskinのブログ "Hangin' With Haskin"で先日投稿された"I Won’t Have Another"というエントリに対して議論があったようで、それに対する返答をすべく*1、同ブログにゲストとしてIHAの馬主Paul Reddam氏がエントリを投稿。

元記事:Hangin' With Haskin | Paul Reddam Guest Blog | BloodHorse.com Blog Stable

By contrast the offer from Big Red in Japan was 10 million, with another farm bidding just under that. For further contrast, Bodemeister’s rights recently purportedly sold for about 13 million in America.

まとめ:Reddam: I'll Have Another Sale $10 Million | BloodHorse.com

Big Red Farm approached Reddam with a $10 million offer, and Reddam said another Japanese farm came in just under that. He sold I'll Have Another to Big Red Farm because the offer was superior to American offers, and because he felt the colt would have a better chance to succeed at stud in Japan.
The American stud fee projected out to "between $17,500 and $20,000," wrote Reddam. "That means he wouldn't get the best mares or be given the best chance to succeed. He will get a much better book of mares in Japan and a higher chance to succeed."

*1: I would like to fill in a few blanks that have only amplified some racing fans’ feelings of frustration and forlorn with the outcome of the Triple Crown and the subsequent sale of I’ll Have Another.