
Average Daily Wagering Swells at Woodbine | BloodHorse.com

The 156-day meet saw all-sources wagering total $453,865,564, up 7.2% over the $423,209,365 wagered on the 165 dates offered in 2011. The numbers are even more impressive on a per card basis. Last year, an average of $2,564,905 was bet per card. In 2012, an average of $2,909,394 was recorded, a 13.4% hike.

It is the fourth consecutive year of handle increases on the Thoroughbred season. Wagering increased 7.5% in 2011 over 2010, and improved 8.9% in 2010 over 2009. It also increased 7% in 2009 over 2008. All-sources wagering on Woodbine's Thoroughbred racing is up more than 34% since 2008, a time period when many tracks saw wagering declines.


"The continued success of Woodbine's live racing program and the significant employment and economic impacts which come with it are dependent on a new partnership between the industry and the Province of Ontario.

"We remain optimistic that such a new arrangement can be achieved. We continue to work with the government toward this end and hope to be able to provide the necessary certainty soon for all stakeholders in the province."
