Rosie Napravnik騎手、北米女性騎手史上最高成績で2012年を終える

Napravnik Closes Out Career-Best Year |
獲得賞金1245万ドル、出走回数はちょうど1200回で成績は[193 191 167 649]と。賞金順で8位(勝利数順で23位)。これまではJulie Krone騎手が1988年と1992年に9位につけたのが最高だった。
Fair Grounds競馬場で開催リーディングを獲得し、Kentucky Oaksを女性騎手として初制覇。

"It is pretty obvious that Rosie lays down the numbers," Krone said in a release. "What fun it has been to watch her year unfold. She is in new territory―being one of the top ten jockeys in the USA. My heart gets to racing at the thought of her winning the Kentucky Derby (gr. I). I live vicariously through many of her racing moments, then the others, I just enjoy.

"Her tactical savvy in a race is as good as they come," Krone continued. "Her gift of the feel or touch for the Thoroughbred is remarkable. As a rider one of the best compliments I got in the 1980's was a valet that said, 'You look like a man on a horse.' This has been said of Rosie many times as well. Her talents are only second to her determination. I suspect this won't be her last visit to the top ten list. She has all the qualities of a champion."